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Page history last edited by vanhookc@... 6 years ago



Book Review Wiki and Podcasts 
for Teens and Young Adults



Celebrating Fourteenth Year Anniversary
Booktalking Wiki!

Conditions of Use  

Established in 2005 

According to this wikipage counter,
we have achieved 12,894 views!

Thank you! Please keep promoting reading and improving literacy! 




The Light of Knowledge

Source: CC Picture by vanhookc  

GENRES of Books:




Adventure and Survival (Fact or Fiction)


Graphic Novels




Reality teen issues


Humorous stories






Mysteries and suspense




Historical fiction


Horror Fiction


War and Genocide(Fact or Fiction)


Other Fiction





Adventure and Survival (Fact or Fiction)


Creative Non-fiction


Sporting Events



Wordsmiths: Great Poetry

Humorous events




Real Mysteries

Other non-fiction





(a global perspective on the value of reading)



Wordle: SEP Book Club 

I geek Book Clubs!




Comments (4)

vanhookc@... said

at 4:38 pm on Jan 13, 2014

It has been a joy reading the book review, written by teens from Varina High School! You have excited me to read many of these books! Kudos to you for doing such a great job on your book project!!!

Anonymous said

at 10:14 am on May 10, 2007

I am glad you posted this where I can leave my booktalks, and I won't feel stupid about loving to read. I think all those readers out there should put a booktalk in and show others what reading is about, and maybe they will find something that interest them.

Anonymous said

at 9:46 pm on Sep 26, 2006

This place is great! I have seen alot of different
books that sound really cool. I haven't even been
on here for an hour. This is great.(student from Iowa)

Anonymous said

at 11:39 am on Sep 19, 2006

I am really happy that they have a place where readers can go and leave book reviews for other readers! Thanks for that everyone! Sarah (student from Iowa)

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